Monday, June 14, 2010


Night Markets

These collections of street stalls, sidewalk vendors and small canteens are a major part of the Taiwanese social scene.

In Taiwan, night markets are known for its specialty xiaochi food items. Xiaochi translates broadly as "small eats" or snacks. Such foods are either served as carry-out or sometimes at small tables with stools for seating.

Specific foods will often change from year to year with passing fads and become characteristic snacks of Taiwan, such as oyster omelet, Taiwanese Fried Chicken Breast, and stinky tofu persist.

Not only is food served in night markets, but also a lot of products are sold. You can buy many inexpensive, high-quality products, such as clothing, shoes, accessories, toys, CDs and so on. In night markets, you can eat delicious Taiwanese cuisine and find marvels everywhere. You can experience special and memorable trips
in Taiwan.

Well, tomorrow is the day!!! I hope that we will all have a meaningful trip in Taiwan.=)
Elaine Tan(3)3A

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